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ホーム | 神聖幾何学 > ヨーセフコードジェイソン・クイット 人気ナンバー1ベストセラー 【書籍】 Forbidden Knowledge: Revelations of a multi-dimensional time traveler

ジェイソン・クイット 人気ナンバー1ベストセラー 【書籍】 Forbidden Knowledge: Revelations of a multi-dimensional time traveler[yosef_005]

販売価格: 3,750円(税別)
(税込: 4,125円)
【書籍】 Forbidden Knowledge

Revelations of a multi-dimensional time traveler




●全317ページ 英語版


As a multi-dimensional time traveler, Jason Quitt has experienced the past, the present and the future. From ancient Egypt and Atlantis to our possible pre and post apocalyptic future he has been a witness to our un-recorded history. Within the pages of "Forbidden Knowledge" you will learn who we are and how mainstream archaeologists, scientists and historians have been swept up in a fabricated storyline. Our world isn't what we think it is. It's a world once fought and protected by other worldly and dimensional beings. An ascension process is taking place on our planet today that is awakening our consciousness to peer beyond the veils of our known reality. We are once again remembering our place in the universe as multi-dimensional beings who are having a physical experience on planet Earth.


Bob Mitchell is a Canadian journalist and former crime and sports reporter for The Toronto Star. He has written eight books, including four UFO/Alien books and has appeared as a guest on numerous late night radio talk shows and conferences. Jason Quitt is an author, energy worker, healer, shaman and experienced out of body traveler.


Chapter1 - Being Reborn
Chapter2 - Astral Ecperiences Being
Chapter3 - A new Being Emerges
Chapter4 - Visons of an Apocalyptic Future
Chapter5 - The Healing Begins
Chapter6 - Meeting Thoth
Chapter7 - The Spiders Webs
Chapter8 - The Shaman Factor
Chapter9 - Where Did He Go?
Chapter10 - We Are Not The Voices In Our Minds
Chapter11 - Astral Teachings
Chapter12 - The Peru Experience
Chapter13 - All Roads Lead To Tesla
Chapter14 - Tesla's Hedden Medical Devices
Chapter15 - Pyramids and The Great Galactic War
Chapter16 - Tesla's Hidden Technologies,Government Secrets & Alien Treaties
Chapter17 - Attaced
Chapter18 - The Ancient Serpent Gods
Chapter19 - Time Travel and Mind Control
Chapter20 - Atlantis:The Untold Story
Chapter21- The Living Crystals
Chapter22 - The Crystals Speak
Chapter23 - The Reality of Our Reality
Chapter24 - Life in Another Body
Chapter25 - Forbidden Archeology
Chapter26 - Unackowledged Artifacts
Chapter27 - Our Anunnaki Connection
Chapter28 - The Greys



 カナダ・オンタリオ州在住 カナダダウザー協会役員 北米を代表するプロダウザー・ヒーラー・チャネラー。



 彼の活動は高く評価され、アメリカダウザー協会、カナダダウザー協会、NGH(National Guide of Hypnotists世界最大規模のアメリカのヒプノセラピー協会)、カナダの医療団体などから多数の講演を依頼される。また「フューチャー・オブ・メディスン(未来の薬学)の分野でも活躍。医学博士や薬剤師、大学教授らにホリスティック医療についてのレクチャーも開催した。

元カナダダウザー協会 会長 


“Jason Quitt has been on a unique self-healing journey for many years. He is a natural Intuitive, a dedicated researcher, a talented teacher and author, and an excellent speaker. He uses dowsing charts, body postures, crystals and sacred geometry in his ongoing exploration of both ancient and modern mysteries.”

Susan Collins, Personal Management Consultant, www.dowser.ca